Raju Raja Ram Aur Main

Madan Sukhnandani, an industrialist catches his second wife red-handed with her lover. The lover is none other than Sukhnandani's PA. With tempers running high, the husband falls prey to the cheating wife and he gets murdered. While the corpse is hidden, an imposter is brought in to get the property willed to the wife. But this plan also falls flat. Sukhnandani has several undated wills in circulation, and which are in the possession of his daughter and other relatives. As many as three look alikes of Sukhnandani appear on the scene. Confusion ensues but justice is done ultimately.

Writer : Kedhar Shinde

Director : Kedhar Shinde

Cast : Sharman Joshi, Rajesh Bhosale, Rajesh Dubey, Rajesh Singh, Manasi Rachh, Namya Saxena, Pradeep Vengurlekar and Shivani Karadkar

So Come and Enjoy this roller coaster ride!
