"Behroopiya Entertainers and Upstage Productions in association with Barefeet Theatre Group (Mumbai) Presents Toochiyaapey which is a collage of short stories written by well-known satirist Shri Harishankar Parsai known for his mastery on language and deft humour that arises out of the characters easy to find in the social fabric of the country. So while we reflect on the society and funny behaviour of these characters laughter is guaranteed!
Ek Film Katha - A take on run of the mill films that Bollywood churns out far too often. It is a hilarious comment on cliche plot points and stereotype characters who behave and act basis of convenience of the screenplay.
Ek Ladki Paanch Deewane - is a hilarious take on 5 men trying to woo a girl. In the process, they end up stalking her as they keep an eye on her 'chajja'. Written in an age when there were no social media the story is still very relevant as the basic human traits are the same. Today, people stalk someone they like on Social Media...it was tougher back then when people actually had to wait near the terrace to get one glance of someone who they loved.
Bhed aur Bhediye - is a quirky take on what happens when innocent sheep (bhed) elect wolves (Bhediye) as their representatives in the parliament.
StoryTelling - Storytelling is the simplest, most effective and one of the most economical art form where an artist shares/narrates a story adding a little bit of a personal touch to the text and making it a lively, engaging & entertaining experience for the audience.
Writer - Shri Harishankar Parsai
Directors - Nandram Anand & Pratik Rajen Kothari
Performer - Pratik Rajen Kothari
About the Performer
Pratik Rajen Kothari is a Mumbai based actor/ filmmaker. Trained from The Barry John Acting Studio (Mumbai) Pratik started his theatre journey with Gulzar's 'Lakeerein' directed by Salim Arif. Pratik has worked in several stage productions in Hindi, Gujarati, and English. Most recently Pratik performed Mr & Mr (a hindi adaptation of Neil Simon's The Odd Couple) and an hour-long solo Aalam Dost. Pratik has also worked as an actor on films and TV and was most recently seen in Eros Now's web series 'Tum Se Naa Ho Payega'. As a filmmaker, Pratik has assisted the likes of Shyam Benegal and has already directed several short films and working on the post-production of his first Hindi Feature Film. "